Short note about holding strips in place while the glue sets. In the last post you can see in the last pic, at the very bottom, there are a string of clamps that clamp the ends of the strips to the keelson. This was relatively easy and fast to do, but it is not possible to use this technique on the other side because the keelson is no longer exposed enough to place the clamps. So I made a couple large frames, tied to the molds, to hold wedges and boards that push hard against the strips to hold them down.
I got the idea from others had similar challenges. It works quite well.

A view of the whole setup.

Wedge pushed under frame to push strip against keelson.

Board clamped to frame, then banged on really hard to push it and the strips against the keelson.
The C clamp on the right is holding the edges of two strips nearly coplanar. Without it the strips tended to pop out of alignment as they were "tortured" around that compound bend.


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